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开云体育(中国)官方网站 and soundscapes).画廊视图-开云(中国)Kaiyun·官方网站 - 登录入口
发布日期:2024-05-25 08:54    点击次数:139

大皆会艺术博物馆服装学院将于 2024 年春季举办备受期待的“睡好意思东说念主:回话前卫”展览。这场虚幻般的时装秀,其展览空间由诞滋事务所Leong Leong贪图,通过超越典型前卫展览局限性的多感官风物,为纽约市带来了一个魔幻寰宇。《睡好意思东说念主》将于 5 月 10 日星期五开幕,一直握续到 2024 年 9 月 2 日。

The Metropolitan Museum of Art‘s Costume Institute is set to open its highly anticipated spring 2024 exhibition, Sleeping Beauties: Reawakening Fashion. The dream-like show, with its exhibition spaces designed by architecture practice Leong Leong, bring a fantasy world to New York City through a multi-sensory approach that goes beyond the limitations of the typical fashion exhibits. Sleeping Beauties will open this Friday, May 10th and will run until September 2nd, 2024.

《睡好意思东说念主》袭取了从头叫醒前卫“感官体验”的挑战。当服装成为服装学院保藏的一部分时,它们就会发生革新。仍是充满活力的个东说念主作风抒发,它们被左迁为静态,无法以领先的风物与躯壳互动。本次展览旨在通过复原服装的感官品性(举例气息、声息、质量和清楚)来扭转这一神态。这将通过顶端期间(东说念主工智能、臆想机生成图像)和更熟习的次第(X 射线、视频动画、光投影和音景)的长入来竣事。

Sleeping Beauties takes on the challenge of reawakening the ‘sensory experience’ of fashion. When garments become part of the Costume Institute’s collection, they undergo a transformation. Once vibrant expressions of personal style, they are relegated to a static state, unable to interact with the body in the ways they were originally intended. This exhibition seeks to reverse that by reviving the garments’ sensory qualities, such as smell, sound, texture, and movement. This will be achieved through a combination of cutting-edge technology (artificial intelligence, computer-generated imagery) and more established methods (x-rays, video animation, light projections, and soundscapes).



在大皆会艺术博物馆的“睡好意思东说念主:回话前卫”展览中,将展出卓越四个世纪的 220 件服装和配饰。这些作品皆以当然为主题,并将在一系列分类为“地球”、“空气”和“水”的案例扣问中展示。当然是前卫自身的隐喻。它体现了前卫的周期性,不停有新生和更新的主题,以及稍纵则逝的趋势和作风。这种片霎性的想法在“睡好意思东说念主”中获得了长远的抒发——博物馆发现这些服装由于其固有的瑕玷和时候的荏苒而过于精细和脆弱,无法以传统风物展示。

Throughout the Metropolitan Museum of Art’s exhibition, Sleeping Beauties: Reawakening Fashion, will be 220 garments and accessories spanning four centuries. These pieces are all united by the theme of nature and will be displayed in a series of case studies categorized as ‘earth,’ ‘air,’ and ‘water.’ Nature serves as a metaphor for fashion itself. It embodies the cyclical nature of fashion, with its constant themes of rebirth and renewal, alongside the fleeting, transient aspects of trends and styles. This concept of ephemerality finds a poignant expression in the ‘sleeping beauties’ — garments which the museum has found to be too delicate and fragile to be displayed conventionally due to their inherent weaknesses and the passage of time.

画廊视图,红玫瑰|图片 © 大皆会艺术博物馆



While the Metropolitan Museum of Art displays a vast collection of historical garments with Sleeping Beauties, it encourages a more immersive and participatory experience for visitors. Curators hope to push the boundaries of how fashion is interpreted within museums, moving away from a purely visual exploration and embracing a holistic approach that engages all the senses. Audio recordings of fairytale stories backdropped by sounds of nature echo through the winding galleries. Ultimately, the exhibition aims to foster a deeper personal connection between visitors and the featured fashions.



Though destined for a permanent slumber within the museum walls, the garments in Sleeping Beauties are far from forgotten. Their rich sensory histories are embedded in the very fabric of their being. Through this innovative exhibition, the Costume Institute invites visitors to reawaken those histories, not with physical touch, but through imagination.

图片 © designboom画廊视图,海洋生物 |图片 © 大皆会艺术博物馆画廊视图 |图片©贪图邦




方位:纽约大皆会艺术博物馆| @metmuseum

展览贪图:  Leong Leong | @leong__leong

展出时候:  2024年5月10日至9月2日

project info:


exhibition title: Sleeping Beauties: Reawakening Fashion

location: Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York | @metmuseum

exhibition design: Leong Leong | @leong__leong

on view: May 10th — September 2nd开云体育(中国)官方网站, 2024